Wednesday 18 August 2010

Dumb Facts.

It's my first EVER blog post. Yush folks, and to be honest, I think it’s about bloody time, don’t you?


So, anyways, today I went roller skating for the first time in... oh, seven years? And, anyways, I fell on my arse. Wehey. Well, technically, it only happened to once, which I was quite impressed at. Oh, and I can’t skate on the pavement... but who the hell wants to be on the pavement anyhow? It might be become a problem when I need to go somewhere... and there are cars about. I only remembered earlier that I used to be able to skate, since I used to play roller hockey in the road outside for hours with that kid who used to live next door. And we got told by the old man who lives opposite my house ‘to go play by our own houses’ even though... WE WERE. Anyways, the point is, I went outside, as a nearly-20-year-old woman, in roller skates, up and down the road. LUCKILY, there was no one about to go ‘PAHA she is clearly lost to her youth!’ – actually, that’s not a bad compliment. Those English folk with their tea and crumpets!

I got le skates for my birthday – which is two weeks away but technically, I bought them... so it’s allowed – YAH? Me and my mum went halves. OMG THIS IS WHY I DIDN’T HAVE A BLOG – I TALK COMPLETE CRAP.

I should talk about Parkour really...

Parkour/Freerunning is what I love. Okay, in all fairness, I’m pretty shit. You’d be amazed at how much I talk about it, that I am actually that shit, but it’s true. Can’t even manage a good wall climb these days. But I love it... and that's how it is, baby. AND IF YOU CAN’T TAKE ME LIKE THIS WELL THEN WE’RE OFF. Haha... I’m like ellipse crazy these days.


Anyway, that’s my first wonderings over and done with.

